A.F. THERIAULT AND SON LTD. of Meteghan River, Nova Scotia are addressing the need to bolster marine security in the coastal and offshore zones.
Through introduction of the “MONGOOSE” series of fast patrol and attack craft, the company is making a technological break through in North America to aid in the quest to provide efficient and effective means of policing sensitive traffic zones.
The harbour patrol and inshore craft (MONGOOSE MK-I-25) is trailerable and outboard powered. Destined for home security and intervention: the MONGOOSE MK-I-25 is the smallest and fastest of the breed. With speeds well in excess of 40 knots this craft knows no equals. Whether it is harbour or intercoastal patrol, clamping down on smugglers,drug trafficking, pirates or terrorists; the “MONGOOSE”is the marine platform to get the job done,the first time. The vessel is extremely manueverable and stable in high speed turns in greater then 2 foot waves.
With a ceramic reinforced composite structure, the MONGOOSE is the most technically
advanced craft on the global waterfront.
At more than 50 times the flexural strength of steel, aluminum or fiberglass; this high
impact resistant composite is uncompromising. With no rust, corrosion or delamination, the MONGOOSE is extremely low maintenance.
Plus, going by the amount of giggling in the background during a cellphone conversation with one of our Engineers who was on it during a test run, the boat must be a blast to drive!!! Boys with fast toys!!