Death benefits paid out of "Petty Cash" box

$300 for dead seafarers’ families
05 Nov 2007, Safety at Sea International

KUALA LUMPUR 05 November – Malaysia has introduced, on compassionate grounds, a so-called death benevolent fund of RM$1,000 ($298) for the estates of dead seafarers. Datuk Captain Ahmad Osman, chairman of the country’s Marine Department confirmed the ‘one-off’ payout to Fairplay, though when asked if the Marine Department would seek raising payouts during times of inflation he said “not at the moment”. The payouts, which came into effect on 1 October, were originally proposed by the Malaysian Ship Owners Association. Claims need to be made within three months and must be accompanied by relevant documents. These include the death certificate, the seafarers’ discharge book and his registration card. The money will be disbursed by the Central Mercantile Marine Fund (KWPPL). Osman, who is also director-general of the Marine Department, made the announcement at the Seafarers Open Day held last week to mark the end of Ramadan.
I just had to post this, even though I just got off the ship this morning.

I don't know about you, but I sure hope that 300$ is allot of money in Malaysia, because as a society, it would be shameful to think that we place such little value on seafarers. I guess congratulations are in order to the Malaysian government for this step in the right direction. I cannot imagine the unscrupulous companies that fought this initiative.


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